Author: belong
Dalia Fares – Staff
Academic Administrator
Linda D Bragman – Staff
Kristine Marzilli – Staff
BE FinanceKitchen workstationWilmington, MA USA
Denise J. MacPhail – Staff
Administrative Assistant II to Professors Jacquin Niles, Ernest Fraenkel & Anders HansenLiving Room work space which comes complete with my cat Jessie who reminds me when it’s time to take a break!Beverly, MA
Prof Angela Koehler
Here is a shot of my daughter Arabella learning from a science app on an iPad (topic = hibernation) next to my laptop at our dining room table, which is now the school site for my older three kids and a bed for my big […]
Hsinhwa Lee – Staff
Lab manager for Lauffenburger and Griffith labWorking in the living room using my coffee tableCambridge, MA
Dan Darling – Staff
BE Communications My kitchen, looking onto my deck.Millis, MA
Diane Ballestas – Staff
Administrative Assistant Bryson and Jasanoff LabsSmall office/new standing deskCambridge, MA
Noreen Lyell – Instructor
I am working from the second bedroom (also known as the cat room and the music room). Not far from campus in Cambridgeport!