Favorite Course 20 subject and why?
20.320 Analysis of Biomolecular and Cellular Systems for teaching me to think about biological systems like an engineer, forcing me to bond with pals over the #Stud5Struggle, and somehow letting me return the next year as a TA! Also 20.309 Instrumentation and Measurement for Biological Systems for such a unique MIT experience, an incredibly supportive teaching staff, and for late nights bonding with lab partners over failed microscope experiments and fried chicken 🙂 I also loved 7.28, 20.230, 20.110, and 20.390 ahh too many good classes to count.
What will you miss most about being an undergraduate at MIT?
cliche yes, but the people :’D Through course 20, my dorm, clubs, and sports teams, I’ve found a home at MIT and I’ll forever be grateful for those I got to meet, make memories with, and learn from during these years <3
Where will you be next year?
I’ll be pursuing my PhD in Immunology/Biomedical Sciences at UCSF 😀
Who deserves a shout-out?
All of my mentors both in lab and out, the BE faculty and staff, and of course, my family, friends, and course 20 buddies, thanks for believing in me, supporting me, and pushing me to grow through the ups and downs <33 (also, free food events for literally fueling me through undergrad and MIT puppy lab for providing a steady stream of dogs to pet)